Saturday 11 April 2015

My journey and baby bump update.

I can't believe in about four (or hopefully less) weeks the baby will be with us.
I absolutely loved loved loved being pregnant but of course I'm anxious about the whole labour part at his stage and just praying everything goes smoothly this time round.So lets get cracking.

How far along-36 weeks.

Weight gain-9kg


Maternity clothes-only few, mostly trousers and jeans mixing them in with some none maternity stretchy tops and body cone dresses.

Sleeping-officially in a bad sleep stage of pregnancy, uncomfortable with 3 different pillows waking up million times a night.

Miss anything-being more mobile and fun with Mia but also fitting into old clothes and wine wine/cocktails a lot!!!

Cravings-Not really, dry, bland food at the start and watermelon these days.

Symptoms- Lots of lower abdominal pain and swelling .Overall I really enjoyed being pregnant and both of my pregnancies were pretty easy except of a pretty usual pains and aches that all of us go through.

Mood-very chilled actually, my hubby seem to enjoy me pregnant much more.

Best part of this pregnancy-being able to share it with Mia, watching her being such a loving sister already and crying towards so much me the whole time!

This is why I wanted this mother/daughter photo shoot  done to capture this beautiful time I got to share with her. I'm very happy with the results and that we will always have some beautiful memories to look back on and smile.